The Lymphatic Drainage using Renata Franca Method is completely different from anything on the market. With differentiated rhythm, pressure and pumping, it guarantees elimination of toxins, improvement of circulation, reduction of edema and swelling, improvement of the immune system in addition to these results that we love.
Start preparing for the Summer now and make an appointment with Myriam the founder of Mimibizamassage, she is the pupil closest to you.
El #metodorenatafranca de drenaje linfatico es completamente distinto de todo que hay en el mercado. Con ritmo, presion y bombeamento diferenciados, garantiza eliminacion de toxinas, mejora de la circulacion, disminucion de edema y hinchazon, mejora del sistema inmunologico ademas de estos resultados que amamos.
Empieza ya a prepararte para el verano y pide tu cita con Myriam fundadora de Mimibizamassage, la pupila mas cerca en Ibiza.
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